Ticketmaster just screwed up my order for Tony Hawk's Boom Boom HuckJam. I had to go through the whole process, re-enter my credit card again and wound up with crappier seats!!! Jerks!!!
I miss XW , btw.
i'm so angry right now.
i got everything set up to order tickets for santana w/ los lonely boys at the marcus amphitheater for summerfest.
Ticketmaster just screwed up my order for Tony Hawk's Boom Boom HuckJam. I had to go through the whole process, re-enter my credit card again and wound up with crappier seats!!! Jerks!!!
I miss XW , btw.
i can't help but think that my son looks like a little jw in this outfit.
maybe this halloween he can go as one!
this picture was taken yesterday.
I can't help but think that my son looks like a little JW in this outfit. Maybe this halloween he can go as one!
This picture was taken yesterday. My son got to get dressed up to go to a play with his class. He refers to this outfit as "his handsome clothes."
i want to make a note on this board that the x-jw's are definately, in my book, beautiful people!.
perhaps it is because of the good things we have derived.
maybe it's the hardships.. either way, we are all beautiful here.. -lots of love from professor.
By the way, my brother...the Professor, is one of the most beautiful people I know.
Also, he makes really good chicken wings.
i want to make a note on this board that the x-jw's are definately, in my book, beautiful people!.
perhaps it is because of the good things we have derived.
maybe it's the hardships.. either way, we are all beautiful here.. -lots of love from professor.
Dear Prof,
Stop doing drugs. You're encouraging people to post Aguilera lyrics.
Love, your sister.
P.S. I am beautiful, no matter what you say.
has anyone used zyban to quit smoking??
my husband, who has smoked for over 20 years (he'll be 35 this summer) had begun treatment to quit smoking using zyban and nicotine gum & lozenges will be used as well.
i just had the chronic sinusitis surgery on monday (see post -
The lozenges worked really well for me. They are really nasty, but I got used to them. I quit even faster than the package recommended. I've been nicotine free since January '04.
I think they worked so well for me because I have an oral fixation and always like to have something in my mouth. I just chew gum now.
my cat has recently taken to lounging in the litter box!!!!!
it is the nastiest behavior i've ever seen from a cat!!!!.
to make it worse, he is white and has very long hair!!!!.
av and zev...WTF are you talking about?
Krystal: Thanks for the tip. I hope he's ok
Talesin: Thanks for the advice. Looks like a vet trip is in order. I think I'll pm Robdar if she doesn't mind.
LMAO @ Kwin...we actually have been giving them a new organic catnip and it's gets them pretty worked up.
my cat has recently taken to lounging in the litter box!!!!!
it is the nastiest behavior i've ever seen from a cat!!!!.
to make it worse, he is white and has very long hair!!!!.
My cat has recently taken to lounging in the litter box!!!!! It is the nastiest behavior I've ever seen from a cat!!!!
To make it worse, he is white and has very long hair!!!!
Does anyone who knows anything about cats have any idea why his nasty butt is doing this???? Help!!!! Should I call a cat psychologist???
hi, i've spent the moring looking through my pics and pics of friends on the web.. thought i'd share some pics of my greatest love.... my kids.. please share some pics of the things you love the most.. .
My sweetie pie, Jaysen. I don't know why he's pointing at his eye, but I just love this picture.
ha ha ha i am naughty!.
i am having one of those naughty days!.
Brooke, I thought that pic was for my eyes only...
things that make you go "hmmmmm": just learned that an elder i know living near waco, texas is hosting a graduation party for his son.
don't remember ever reading of any faithful christian in the bible ever having such a party.
and to think, all that honor and attention will be focused on a mere human being instead of yhwh.....
At my graduation party an older brother had a heart attack and almost died. He stopped breathing, but someone gave him mouth to mouth and he was resucitated. Later, it was discussed that maybe his almost dying was a sign of me being evil...because I stopped attending meetings a few weeks later and was disfellowshipped a few months after that.